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  • Davis Abraham

Online Teaching Framework (Part 3) - Medium

We at ViGEO have been fortunate to help over 3000 educators make this digital transition. As part of our ongoing mission to help teachers teach better online, we have developed "The Online Teaching Framework" for creating effective and sustainable online learning environments.

In this series of three articles, you will learn more about the three key aspects of this framework - mindset, methods, and medium - and the various elements that are essential for effective online teaching.

The Medium

This generation of students, Gen Z, are digital natives. Educators, by contrast, are often digital migrants. The pandemic has made digital natives even more dependent on technology than ever. Digital migrants need to quickly master digital media for teaching to communicate their message well.

  1. SAMR model: This model provides a good framework for the use of technology in learning. Substitution is the first level where methods/tools used in the physical classrooms are replaced with digital tools. Augmentation goes a step further by using digital tools to add more functionality. Modification is thinking out of the box, pushing students to do things differently digitally. Redefinition is teaching the subject in a completely new manner online.

  2. Essential gadgets: It goes without saying, but knowing how to use gadgets is critical in conducting smooth online classes. Lighting, audio, framing, background, camera, and input tools are key components in better engagement and interaction with students. If you get the basics right, you get more attention from students.

  3. Presentation tools: Visual presentation is a key component in teaching online. Presenting content in a visually appealing manner not only gains students' attention but also helps them assimilate better. Choosing the right fonts, colors, contrasts, images, and themes makes your presentation stand out. Modern digital tools help created interactive presentations with clickable links and video integration.

  4. Live-calling: As a necessary component of any live teaching session, educators need to master video-conferencing tools. With several possibilities for live interaction like chats, polls, and break-outs, every session can be made more interesting to ensure maximum student attention and retention.

  5. Video creation: Creating quality videos is not limited to trendy YouTubers; every educator needs to learn this art. Video is a staple modern-learning resource. A well-made video can be reused for years. Educators can create effective learning videos without fancy cameras or editing software.

  6. Assignment tools: Homework is not something that students look forward to. However, with digital assignment tools, educators can create visually appealing and game-like assignments for students to do at home. This will not only be fun to complete but also a great way to ensure mastery of the topics taught.

  7. Live interaction tools: Online teaching offers some new avenues for educators. Live digital interaction is one of them. Free and easy-to-use tools provide the option to conduct live polls to gauge student engagement and understanding. Live quizzes are also a great way to bring out the competitive side of students.

  8. Collaboration tools: Learning together is fun. Several free tools allow teachers the option to group students to work together as teams. It could be quick brainstorming for ideas, assigning group problems to work together, facilitating group presentations, or team-based quizzes. Students can collaborate in the live class or offline as an assignment.

  9. LMS: One place to group all the learning resources is a Learning Management System. LMS provides possibilities for educators to make a variety of resources available for their learners. If done well, it can be a one-stop place for all class-related communication, interaction, engagement, and questions. A well-managed LMS would make students keep coming back for more.

So, what's next?

At ViGEO, we provide training on all the above-mentioned aspects and elements. We want educational institutions not just to survive the COVID crisis but use it as a launchpad into the future. We provide customized training after understanding the needs of the institutions.

Check out our online workshop series and 3-day training course where we implement these ideas into practice.

After going through this framework, what do you think you would want your team to work on? Let us know. We're happy to help.

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